Thursday 7 April 2011

Skills learnt

During the process of making a music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread i have learnt and devloped the skills that i have mentioned below.
  • During the process my skills in using the software Serif photoplus X3 have improved. For example when creating my preliminary task front page for a school magazine i decided to have many things crowding the page such as the insertion of many differnt shapes from the software. Now however i have learnt that if these things are added to the pag e in a rash manner the page soon becomes overcrowded much like the preliminary school magazine front page. Also while creating my preliminary front page i failed to relise the full potential of the effects available to me. This led to a very bland front page with many attempts at making it look more attractive to an audience such as the random insertion of lines across the page. Also in most magazine they use effects to iron out any imperfections with teh page for example in my preliminary task on the front cover there is a small white background in some places around the image of the person. This looks unproffesional. For example in the front page of my music magazine i decided to edit the image on the front page as i felt that the image of the person was not right. So i edited the hair on him so that there would be less hair sticking out in strange directions. I also used much more of the effects on my music magazine than on the prliminary task.
  • When taking images in my preliminary magzine i failed to realise that in most magazines the person being photographed is often standing in a certain positoion with many different things that can come into play when taking a picture. For example im my preliminary magazine i decided that i would use the image of a medium shot of a person on the front page while they look to out of the page. However the image shows the boy with his hands in his pocket and is a very dull reprsentation of that person and therefore creates the impression of a very dull magazine However in my music magazine and double page spread i realised this altered how i approache the taking of a picture. In my music magazine contents page the image is a medium close up again howver in this image the artists hair was being blown by two fans and she is posing for the camera.

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