Friday 8 April 2011

How does my magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real magazine products.

In my music magazine the codes and conventions that i used were the layout of the magazine. As all of my pages were layed out in a similar way to the real magazines that are on sale in the UK today. My colour scheme also flowed with the codes and conventions for example. The text and the background and images all worked well together so that they were easy on the eye and the contrast worked well between the text and colours. The images that i also took follow similar rules as they are taken using techniques applied by proffesionall photographers. Eg. correct shot sizes, effects and lighting.
In my magazine i have challenged the codes an conventions of the double page spread because i changed the colour scheme from previous pages to fit with the genre of music. This may also be seen as a devolopment as the colour scheme is based around the genre of music on the double page spread.

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