For the school prliminary task contents page. I used the colours from the front page as they go well with the school colours hopwever i also added the colour white as it gives the page some light unlike on the school front page. The font that i used for the main title for the contents page was Orbit-B BT. I chose the font because it stood out well as the main title and keeps with keeping the magazine more suited to pupils rather than for ease of read it makes the page more exciting.
The photo is taken using a canon PowerShot A480. The photo is related to the text that the arrow is pointing at. It was taking with a low angle shot with the peron in the picture with his back to the sun. It gives the effect of a darkness on the person making him harder to see hence the text reading "who is this guy." the details were added on to the magazine as it made the magazine look better than if the picture was just there with the text.
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