In my music magazine the codes and conventions that i used were the layout of the magazine. As all of my pages were layed out in a similar way to the real magazines that are on sale in the UK today. My colour scheme also flowed with the codes and conventions for example. The text and the background and images all worked well together so that they were easy on the eye and the contrast worked well between the text and colours. The images that i also took follow similar rules as they are taken using techniques applied by proffesionall photographers. Eg. correct shot sizes, effects and lighting.
In my magazine i have challenged the codes an conventions of the double page spread because i changed the colour scheme from previous pages to fit with the genre of music. This may also be seen as a devolopment as the colour scheme is based around the genre of music on the double page spread.
Friday, 8 April 2011
Thursday, 7 April 2011
What Publishers would be interested in my magazine?
IPC media is a leading magazine publishers that deal with magazines meant for the masses. They do not just publish music magazines but they also do women's magazines, men's magazines and many more. They reach a wide variety off people and they claim they effectively reach around 66% of women and around 44% of men. I believe that they would be suitable publisher as they reach the mass market and would be ideal for my music magazine as that is also what my music is aimed at as my magazine features main stream music pushed towards a young audience of both genders.
What audience would be interested in my magazine.
The target audience that my music magazine is aimed at is between the age range of around 16 to 25 years old. This is because the magazine features a lot of younger artists and would therefore be more suited to the younger generation of music magazine buyers were as the older generations would not be interested in a magazine that attempts to promote newer artists.
The magazine is aimed at the genre of Dance and R&B music for example. DJ Goody and the title of an interview with Rihanna on the front page of the music magazine. These artists are both related to the R&B and Dance genres of music and i would therefore advertise my music magazine as a R&B and Dance magazine. The magazine would be aimed at both genders as the type of music portrayed in the magazine is not just favoured by one sex. I believe that this magazine due to these statements would attract a large audience of mixed sexes and off a wide variety of ages and would appeal most to those who are interested in the discovery of new R&B and Dance musicians and talents.
Audience Feedback.
Victoria Evans: This magazine is well laid out and i like the way that the colours on the page work well together. The masthead on the front cover of sonus magazine is clear and was the first thing that interested me on the page. Overall this magazine appeals to me as it involves the sort of music i like and enjoy. I would definitely be interested in buying this magazine. The magzine is well priced for a montly magazine.
Joe Gill: My opinion on Sonus magazine is that on the whole the magazine is laid out well and the colour scheme works well. The mastheads on the pages are appealing to the audience and they are clear. I however would not be interserested in buying this magazine as it does not promotre the type of music i like which is alternative rock.
Matthew Goodwin: I like the look of the magazine as the colour scheme works well with the text as the pages are well set out and cleary laid out. The title is good and attracts attention. I would by this magazine as i like the articles in it and the sort of music in it. The price isn't to bad for a music magazine that is only available monthly.
The magazine is aimed at the genre of Dance and R&B music for example. DJ Goody and the title of an interview with Rihanna on the front page of the music magazine. These artists are both related to the R&B and Dance genres of music and i would therefore advertise my music magazine as a R&B and Dance magazine. The magazine would be aimed at both genders as the type of music portrayed in the magazine is not just favoured by one sex. I believe that this magazine due to these statements would attract a large audience of mixed sexes and off a wide variety of ages and would appeal most to those who are interested in the discovery of new R&B and Dance musicians and talents.
Audience Feedback.
Victoria Evans: This magazine is well laid out and i like the way that the colours on the page work well together. The masthead on the front cover of sonus magazine is clear and was the first thing that interested me on the page. Overall this magazine appeals to me as it involves the sort of music i like and enjoy. I would definitely be interested in buying this magazine. The magzine is well priced for a montly magazine.
Joe Gill: My opinion on Sonus magazine is that on the whole the magazine is laid out well and the colour scheme works well. The mastheads on the pages are appealing to the audience and they are clear. I however would not be interserested in buying this magazine as it does not promotre the type of music i like which is alternative rock.
Matthew Goodwin: I like the look of the magazine as the colour scheme works well with the text as the pages are well set out and cleary laid out. The title is good and attracts attention. I would by this magazine as i like the articles in it and the sort of music in it. The price isn't to bad for a music magazine that is only available monthly.
What have i learnt while creating a magazine.
Below is a list of the things i feel i have learnt during the time creating my music magazine front page, contents page and double page spread.
- How the contrast of colour on a magazine can greatly effect the magazine layout as it makes it much harder to read if the colour scheme is not right.
- The layout of the modern music magazine for example the location of mastheads, the location of text within the magazine and on the front page, the image locations types of shot used in these magazines, the type of effects used by the music magazine industry to create the perfect music magazine for a select audience and also the differences between the different genre of music magazine for example the differences between Kerrang and Q magazine. And also how to maximise the space on the pages of music magazines so that they are full yet not overcrowded with to much text images or small details such as effects used.
- How to use font effectively in a music magazine so that it looks good, attracts attention and is easy to read for the audience and the contrast techniques that can be used to make the text stand out on the page. And also adding effects to the font such as shadows to make the mastheads stand out more.
- How to take professional looking images using knowledge of different shot types eg. close ups and medium close up shots.
- The correct terminology when describing and evaluating music magazines and images.
- How to effectively use the software Serif Photplus X3 to create a music magazine.
- How to add detail to music magazines to make them look more attractive to the reader.
Skills learnt
During the process of making a music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread i have learnt and devloped the skills that i have mentioned below.
- During the process my skills in using the software Serif photoplus X3 have improved. For example when creating my preliminary task front page for a school magazine i decided to have many things crowding the page such as the insertion of many differnt shapes from the software. Now however i have learnt that if these things are added to the pag e in a rash manner the page soon becomes overcrowded much like the preliminary school magazine front page. Also while creating my preliminary front page i failed to relise the full potential of the effects available to me. This led to a very bland front page with many attempts at making it look more attractive to an audience such as the random insertion of lines across the page. Also in most magazine they use effects to iron out any imperfections with teh page for example in my preliminary task on the front cover there is a small white background in some places around the image of the person. This looks unproffesional. For example in the front page of my music magazine i decided to edit the image on the front page as i felt that the image of the person was not right. So i edited the hair on him so that there would be less hair sticking out in strange directions. I also used much more of the effects on my music magazine than on the prliminary task.
- When taking images in my preliminary magzine i failed to realise that in most magazines the person being photographed is often standing in a certain positoion with many different things that can come into play when taking a picture. For example im my preliminary magazine i decided that i would use the image of a medium shot of a person on the front page while they look to out of the page. However the image shows the boy with his hands in his pocket and is a very dull reprsentation of that person and therefore creates the impression of a very dull magazine However in my music magazine and double page spread i realised this altered how i approache the taking of a picture. In my music magazine contents page the image is a medium close up again howver in this image the artists hair was being blown by two fans and she is posing for the camera.
Music magazine double page spread and evaluation. unfinished version
For my magazine double page spread i decided to have a different colour scheme from the previous pages as i felt that it would improve the style of the page as the colours are much brighter than the other pages. I did this because i felt that generally the music genre that a DJ relates to is genrally followed by bright colours. For example in the magazine Kerrang the magzine genrally has a darker colour scheme as the type of music is rock music. However in the magazine Q the colour scheme is much brighter as the magazine promotes the genre of music of pop, R&B and Dance music and that is why i felt i needed to change the colour scheme.
On the left hand page the image is medium longshot of the artist in the centre of the page and behind him is a green background. The green background was used in this shot with less light at the bottom and top halfs of the page. I did this to create contrast in the background to make the page look more attractive to the audience.
To the left of the image there is text going uo the page and across the top right hand side of the left page. This was done to maximize the space on the page and keep the majority of the space on the page reserved for the image also it was done to stop the text overlapping the image. I decided that i would use the font of Youngsook BTN. I decided to use this font because i had already used it in other parts of my contents page and thus gave it good contiunity with the rest of the magazine. The text on the left hand side of the page is orange because it gives a good contrast against the green background of the image. The text at the top of the page is in the font of Zolano Sans BTN. This a new font within my magazine. I decided to change the font at this section because the type of music being propmoted is a modern music and the font goes along with this as it is a modern style of font. The font is red because it gives a good cotrast with the green background while at the same time increasing the amount of colours on the page making it more attractive to the audience. It is in a position to the top right of the page as i have decided to continue the title of the page onto teh opposite page on the other side. This was done because i wished to assciate the image with the article to the right of the image on the right hand page. As the text moves across the page i made it larger. I did this to build up to the title of the artist which would be the largest on the page so to attract the attention of the reader. In the masthead the words DJ are a different colour than the rest of the page. I did this to create more colour on the page and also to attract the readers attention. The font also changes at this point to become Tw Cen MT which is a much clearer font than the previous page. Again done to attract the readers attention. The title is also underlined as it is of importance to the page as that is what the article below is about. The subtitles in the article are done in scarlet. This is to enable the reader to easily ditinguish the questions from the answers which are in a black font colour. The questions are in the font of Youngsook BTN in continuation with the font title on th eimage page wheras the answers are in the font off Prisoner SF which means that the two can easily be distinguished.
The text is split up into two blocks on the page which helps the viewing of the page as it makes it look like there is not as much text. Whereas if the whole page fiolled with lines and lines of text it would not be clear and difficult to read compared to a text block format. The colour of the text contrasts with the yellow background well allowing for an easy to read article with no clashing colours.
I also decided to add small detail to the page to make the page look more intersesting. I decided that i would use the same effect of the paint stamp of the row of people at the bottom of the people as i had done in other sections of my magazine. Also i decided that i would use the paint stamp effect of shapes to create white squares in the background. They do not clash with the text and so are a good insertion into the page.
Music magazine contents page and evaluation.
In my music magazine contents page i decided i would continue to use the colour scheme from the front page of the magazine. The Background i decided to start of white as i had planned to use a good contrast between the text and the colours so that the text could be easily read. The scarlet colour at the bottom right hand of the page was added on top of the white background to make the page a bit more colour full than it would have been if i had just left it white. Also the colour at the top of the page was also inserted to try and make the page more colourful and more appealing to the audience.
The next stage of the contents page creation progress was to add a masthead to the page so the reader can easily distinguish what page they are looking at. This is seen in most magazines including Q magazine and the rolling stones magazines.The masthead was in the font Zolano Serif BTN and also was stood out from the page as i had added to different background colours and there is also a shadow visible on the top half of the masthead. The shadow is done in white and is therefore uneffected visibly on the section with the white background. However on the Scarlet background the shadow is clearly visible and gives the masthead extra contrast and therfore makes it easier to distinguish.
Next i added the image to the right hand side of the page. The image was taken using the same camera from the front page and was taken again from the medium close up position. In this shot i decided to use the green background as the actual background on the picture because i felt that the green colour of the background went well with the image and also contrasted well with the rest of the page. The picture was taken by having the person in the image standing. This was accompanied by two fans either side of her facing towards her head. This gave the effect of the hair appearing to by swaying in the image. This was done to make the picture look more dramatic as in other magazines the images of the artists are often dramatic. The artist is also staring out of the page which is consistent with images of people in most magazine the exception being Movie magazines such as Empire.
The next part was to add text to the left hand gap on the page. These were to become the contents. I decided to place them on the left hand side because that is were most other music magazines have the contents in there magazines. This means that my music magazine was following the codes and conventions set by other music magazines. Also the image can also be applied to this because the image is on the right hand side of the page, fills up most of the space and also has the artist looking out of the page. The contents were written using the font of Zolano Serif BTN which is the same as the masthead. This was done as this font is easy to read. The font was made relatively small with a line between each of the different contents. Again this made the contents much easier to read. The contents were headlined by titles of front page and featured which were done using the font of Youngsook BTN. I decided to have a different font for the title of the content sections because i felt that the a differnce in font size, colour and font would create a differnce between the contents and there titles. I named the titles of the contents front page and featured because the on the front page of my music magazine i had included some text that said what was in the magazine. This is similar to other magazines that advertise what is in the magazine on the front cover. Also, this can ease the effort needed by the audience when reading the magazine when a member of the selected audience or audiences, as it is in my case, reads the magazine. Often when they look at the front cover they may be interested by a story advertised on the front of the magazine. So when a contents page is created it may be a wise decision to add this beacause the reader can easliy search and find the story that they are looking for on the contents page. The features section of my music magazine contents is labelled as features because the music magazine will have certain areas of the magazine that will be featured in that magazine alone.
I used the colours red and yellow for the title of the contents because i wanted to add contrast to the page. This can also be used as an example why the numbers are a different colour than the black text to there left. On the words off stars of the future i have indented slighlty into the image because i felt that the image would go unrecognised and be pointless if i did not do this. The indentation also contains the number of the page were this is located this is done to find the page with ease as it is related to the image.
At the bottom of the page directly underneath the image i have inserted a small section of an article inside included inside the magazine. I have done this to accompany the image and also to give the image a much better purpose than to just sit be there without any background information on what it is about.
The details featured on the page of the eye and the people standing in the crowd are taken from the software Photoplus X3. The images were taken from the paint tool people from the stamp section of the software. I added these as i felt it made the page more intersesting. The image of the eye is the same one from the front page of my music magazine and so can also be seen as continuing in a similar way as if the page is looking at the reader. This attracts attention.
Overall i feel that the contents page is layed out clearly with two different sections of text and the image. This makes the page easy to read look at and does not overcomplicate the page in any way. The page also goes well with the colour scheme used on the front page of the music magazine that i have created.
The next stage of the contents page creation progress was to add a masthead to the page so the reader can easily distinguish what page they are looking at. This is seen in most magazines including Q magazine and the rolling stones magazines.The masthead was in the font Zolano Serif BTN and also was stood out from the page as i had added to different background colours and there is also a shadow visible on the top half of the masthead. The shadow is done in white and is therefore uneffected visibly on the section with the white background. However on the Scarlet background the shadow is clearly visible and gives the masthead extra contrast and therfore makes it easier to distinguish.
Next i added the image to the right hand side of the page. The image was taken using the same camera from the front page and was taken again from the medium close up position. In this shot i decided to use the green background as the actual background on the picture because i felt that the green colour of the background went well with the image and also contrasted well with the rest of the page. The picture was taken by having the person in the image standing. This was accompanied by two fans either side of her facing towards her head. This gave the effect of the hair appearing to by swaying in the image. This was done to make the picture look more dramatic as in other magazines the images of the artists are often dramatic. The artist is also staring out of the page which is consistent with images of people in most magazine the exception being Movie magazines such as Empire.
The next part was to add text to the left hand gap on the page. These were to become the contents. I decided to place them on the left hand side because that is were most other music magazines have the contents in there magazines. This means that my music magazine was following the codes and conventions set by other music magazines. Also the image can also be applied to this because the image is on the right hand side of the page, fills up most of the space and also has the artist looking out of the page. The contents were written using the font of Zolano Serif BTN which is the same as the masthead. This was done as this font is easy to read. The font was made relatively small with a line between each of the different contents. Again this made the contents much easier to read. The contents were headlined by titles of front page and featured which were done using the font of Youngsook BTN. I decided to have a different font for the title of the content sections because i felt that the a differnce in font size, colour and font would create a differnce between the contents and there titles. I named the titles of the contents front page and featured because the on the front page of my music magazine i had included some text that said what was in the magazine. This is similar to other magazines that advertise what is in the magazine on the front cover. Also, this can ease the effort needed by the audience when reading the magazine when a member of the selected audience or audiences, as it is in my case, reads the magazine. Often when they look at the front cover they may be interested by a story advertised on the front of the magazine. So when a contents page is created it may be a wise decision to add this beacause the reader can easliy search and find the story that they are looking for on the contents page. The features section of my music magazine contents is labelled as features because the music magazine will have certain areas of the magazine that will be featured in that magazine alone.
I used the colours red and yellow for the title of the contents because i wanted to add contrast to the page. This can also be used as an example why the numbers are a different colour than the black text to there left. On the words off stars of the future i have indented slighlty into the image because i felt that the image would go unrecognised and be pointless if i did not do this. The indentation also contains the number of the page were this is located this is done to find the page with ease as it is related to the image.
At the bottom of the page directly underneath the image i have inserted a small section of an article inside included inside the magazine. I have done this to accompany the image and also to give the image a much better purpose than to just sit be there without any background information on what it is about.
The details featured on the page of the eye and the people standing in the crowd are taken from the software Photoplus X3. The images were taken from the paint tool people from the stamp section of the software. I added these as i felt it made the page more intersesting. The image of the eye is the same one from the front page of my music magazine and so can also be seen as continuing in a similar way as if the page is looking at the reader. This attracts attention.
Overall i feel that the contents page is layed out clearly with two different sections of text and the image. This makes the page easy to read look at and does not overcomplicate the page in any way. The page also goes well with the colour scheme used on the front page of the music magazine that i have created.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Front page and evaluation.
For my music magazine i created all of the pages using the software PhotoPlus X3. This software enabled me to create a well structured and layered music magazine that followed some of the conventions of music magazines available at the moment.
The first part of starting the creation my music magazine i decided to try some background colours first and decided that scarlet would be the colour of the background as it is dark enough to contrast well with the text in the foreground.
On the right hand side of the magazine the sub-titles are in the font Zolano Serif BTN and they go down te page from just underneath the logo to the circular shape next to the image of DJ Goody. i decided on putting the sub-titles in on the right hand side of the page becauase that is were the majority of other music magazines put there sub-titles. Also the space was already there from the image being placed on the right hand side of the page. The bullet points to the left of the text were put there to empahasis the points made at that section of the page.
Just below the sub-titles i decided to insert a circle from the software used and then added the text inside the circle. I did this to emphasis the text inside the circel and to maake the page more attractive to the audience. The circlular shape is situated around the middle of the page and is to the right hand side of the image of the artist DJ Goody.
On the front page of my music magazine i decided to take advantage of the softwware available and use some of the paint tools to make the magazine less plain to the reader. I did this by adding some paint effects using the stamp tool. The effects that i used were the people effects and the colour effects. i decided to use the colour effects because i felt that the images on the effects were suitable and fitted with my magazine. For example i used the people at the bottom of the page standing in a line to symbolise and suggest to the audience that the people stnading there are united in something in this case i hoped that it would create an example of everyone liking music. This is also the same reason why i used the stamp of the female and male facial features just underneath the title.
The eye inside the letter O of the title was put there to attract the audience attention as if the magazine title was looking at them and this i feel would make the audience attracted towards the magazine as well as inticing them to at least read the title of the magazine. There are also some smaller details in the magazine such as the small squares that are in the foeground of the bar that is situated just above the title. This i have done to attract the audience to the title of the magazine. The smaller faded dots on the right hand side behind the sub-titles are again there to attract the attention of the audience however, they also can be used for making the page look more interesting on the page. The line in the sub-titles is there for the same reason.
The bar-code is in the right hand corner of the page just underneath the title. I have placed it on its siode. I have done this because most other music magazine bar codes are placed on its side. the price is just underneath the barcode in the font Youngsook BTN. It is in this font to make it contrast with the other parts of the magazine. There is also the issue number and the date released underneath the bar-code. Most music magazines have these so i decided that i would follow the codes and conventions and add them to my front cover.
The title of the music magazine is done using the font colour black and the font of Gothic725 Blk BT. I used this font because is stood out well from the page and is an easy to read syle of font. The title of my magazine was created by searching for what the english word of sound was in greek. i choose greek because many of there words are relatively similar to the english language equivalents. The word sonus sounded good so i decided i would use that word as it is relevant to music. The logo in the top right hand side of the page was created using a raindrop shape from the software i used when creating my magazine. I decided to have a logo beacause i felt that it would improve the front of the magazine and would make it easily distinguishable from other magazines. i used the same colours on the logo that i used for the front page as if i had used a different colour scheme it would have clashed with the page.
The image of the artist in the middle of the page is a medium close up of a fictional artist. The image was taken using a canon powershot A480. The image was taken originally with a green screen in the background. The green screen was used as it makes it easier to elimninate the colour from the background and replace it with a new colour which in this case was scarlet. The image was then inserted into the document were i cut the background and then inserted it onto the front page of my music magazine with the scarlet background. I then accompanied the image with a title underneath the image that was relevant to the image.i also edited the image of the person slighlty by tweaking the hair on his head so it looked more proffesional as the hair was sticking out to much in some places I placed this title underneath and to the left of the image as i did not wish to restrict the view of the reader of the image. I used the font Zolano Serif BTN for this title. i also altered the view of the text as i felt a normal plain white text would be to plain for the front page of my music magazine. I did these alterations by tilting the font anti-clockwise slightly and changeing the colour of the word DJ to black instead of white. I did this to empahsis the word and bring the readers attention to it the title. On the right hand side of the magazine the sub-titles are in the font Zolano Serif BTN and they go down te page from just underneath the logo to the circular shape next to the image of DJ Goody. i decided on putting the sub-titles in on the right hand side of the page becauase that is were the majority of other music magazines put there sub-titles. Also the space was already there from the image being placed on the right hand side of the page. The bullet points to the left of the text were put there to empahasis the points made at that section of the page.
Just below the sub-titles i decided to insert a circle from the software used and then added the text inside the circle. I did this to emphasis the text inside the circel and to maake the page more attractive to the audience. The circlular shape is situated around the middle of the page and is to the right hand side of the image of the artist DJ Goody.
On the front page of my music magazine i decided to take advantage of the softwware available and use some of the paint tools to make the magazine less plain to the reader. I did this by adding some paint effects using the stamp tool. The effects that i used were the people effects and the colour effects. i decided to use the colour effects because i felt that the images on the effects were suitable and fitted with my magazine. For example i used the people at the bottom of the page standing in a line to symbolise and suggest to the audience that the people stnading there are united in something in this case i hoped that it would create an example of everyone liking music. This is also the same reason why i used the stamp of the female and male facial features just underneath the title.
The eye inside the letter O of the title was put there to attract the audience attention as if the magazine title was looking at them and this i feel would make the audience attracted towards the magazine as well as inticing them to at least read the title of the magazine. There are also some smaller details in the magazine such as the small squares that are in the foeground of the bar that is situated just above the title. This i have done to attract the audience to the title of the magazine. The smaller faded dots on the right hand side behind the sub-titles are again there to attract the attention of the audience however, they also can be used for making the page look more interesting on the page. The line in the sub-titles is there for the same reason.
The bar-code is in the right hand corner of the page just underneath the title. I have placed it on its siode. I have done this because most other music magazine bar codes are placed on its side. the price is just underneath the barcode in the font Youngsook BTN. It is in this font to make it contrast with the other parts of the magazine. There is also the issue number and the date released underneath the bar-code. Most music magazines have these so i decided that i would follow the codes and conventions and add them to my front cover.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Double page planning
Double page planning
The text will be in two text blocks on the right hand page and will fill the whole page. This is consistent with the majority of other music magazines. The image on the left hand page will fill up the whole page apart from the masthead which will be to the left of the page. The image will be a shot of the artist lokking directly out of the page and into the readers eyes as is consistent with other music magazines. The shot will be a long shot of the artist so the whole artist will be in view on the page.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Contents page planning
Contents Page planning
For my music magazine contents page I have decide to have a similar layout compared to the magazine contents pages which I researched, Rolling Stones, and Q magazines. I plan to follow the magazine codes and conventions by having the image on the right hand side of the page with the text on the left hand side of the page. The title will be in the top left similar to other music magazines and the date and issue number in the contents page not on the front page for the reason that I believe that the front page should be as much about what is in the actual magazine not what issue the magazine was or when it is released.
There will be an editor’s note underneath the contents in the bottom left hand side of the page. It will be at the bottom of the page because it should be less important than the main stories that the reader should be more interested in. Again this is a similar to what the small texts role is in the contents page. It will be about something to do with what is to come within the magazine or a smaller sample of a larger story inside the magazine. The image will be a medium close up of a artist that will be fictional looking out at the reader much like in other magazines.
Front page planning
Planning and Preparation
Front page planning.

There will small details underneath the main image on the
page as well as underneath the main title. This will be there as the page will look quiet blank with the just the image and the text. The logo will be in the top right hand side of the page. The logo was created as many of the magazines have a logo that is clearly recognisable or the masthead is the logo that the magazine is noticeable by. In my magazine I intend to have a mixture of both these styles of logo. The circle that I have labelled in the design on the left will be place there their to enhance the page and to make it look more interesting to the reader.
The main image will take up most of the space as this is similar to the other magazines that I have seen and researched. Nearly every magazine that is on sale and is received by a large audience has this feature. So my magazine will follow the codes and conventions of the music magazine industry.
Font ideas for my masthead.
For my masthead font i decided to choose 5 clear fonts then decide on what would suit my magzaine the best. In the end i decided on the Gothic 725 Blk Bt which is last on th elist because i felt that it would give my magazine a clearer look about it than the others. Also the style is not over complicated like it is the Youngsook font at the top of the list. I feel that this font will maximize the effectiveness of the masthead and give a clear representation of what i'm trying to achive by having this masthead which is a clear and easily read magazine.
Font ideas for my masthead.
For my masthead font i decided to choose 5 clear fonts then decide on what would suit my magzaine the best. In the end i decided on the Gothic 725 Blk Bt which is last on th elist because i felt that it would give my magazine a clearer look about it than the others. Also the style is not over complicated like it is the Youngsook font at the top of the list. I feel that this font will maximize the effectiveness of the masthead and give a clear representation of what i'm trying to achive by having this masthead which is a clear and easily read magazine.
Research for Double page spread.
Research on double-page spread.
In the double page spread of Q magazine the image that is on the left hand side of the page is a medium close up shot of the artist lady GaGa. All of the text is situated on the right hand side of the page this gives a significant space for both the image and the text. This is done to maximize the space that is used on the page and also not to make the page look like it is filled up with to much text or not enough images. The contents page is laid out like this because the reader does not wish to be inundated with lot’s of text as it makes the page look dull and neither should there be to many images because the reader would then feel that the interview is not very well informed and will not satisfy the expectations of a main feature page in a magazine.
The image is a medium close up shot of the top half of Lady GaGa . She is looking at the reader through the page and this is consistent with many other mages in magazines involving an artist or person. The image is an artistic photograph because the image is in Black and white. This suggests that the photographer was going for a much more artistic view of the artist as this is generally what a photographer using a black and white effect would be going for.
In the text on the right hand side of the page is in a small font as it maximizes the space available. It also fills the page as in magazine there is generally not very many blank spaces or any spaces at all. The text contrast goes well with the white background as the font is black and this makes it easier to read. Also starts of new paragraphs have a much bigger font size used for the first letter of that particular paragraph.
At the top of the right page there is a title of the page and who the page is about. It gives the reader a quick and easy to read title as it is clearly distinguishable title compared to the rest of the page. In the centre of the page there is big red letter L. This is there again to emphasis what the article in the magazine is about., Lady GaGa. The text is three clear blocks on the page that go down the page starting on the left hand side. In conclusionthe page is well set out with a clear and easy distinguishable layout. It should be like what my double page spread should look like.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Music magazine contents research.
Music magazine research contents page.
The magazines that I will research and asses for ideas and influences for my music magazine front cover are Q magazine and rolling stones magazine.

On the right hand side of the contents page there is an image of a band called The Courteeners. They are viewed looking into the space of the image into the left hand side of the page. This is also how many other images that are in magazines are used. They often have the image of the artist on one side of the shot looking into the space on the other side. In the image at the bottom left hand side of the shot the reader is able to easily distinguish what the band are called because the content text sticks out from the left hand side of the page from the contents block. Also it gives the artists who are in the shot extra publicity as they are separate from the rest of the contents and are therefore much more easily recognised by the reader as more important.
The contents block on the left-hand side is in a straight line that stretches from the just below the top of the page to the bottom of the page. It is in a very formal style and is therefore extremely easy for the audience to read it. It is attractive to the audience as it is in a good contrast with the image on its right hand side. This is because the image is quite dark whereas the contents are quite light. The numbers on the content pages are a different colour compared with the rest of the text. This is done to emphasise the numbers and make them stand out more than the actual content text. I think this could be done so that when browsing the contents page for a particular section that appeals to you it is easier to just scan the page number allowing for a quick yet easy method of finding a page that is of interest to the audience.
There are different content titles on the page that use the same colour scheme as the Q magazine logo. These include “features” and “every month.” They are there as they break down the contents into different sections with regular appearances in the magazine and features that are unique to that particular edition of the magazine.
In the contents section of Q magazine there is also a special section about a band called Oasis. This section of the contents is viewed by the audience to be specifically important. This is because the special section is highlighted with a gold border around it which can be related by the audience to as a rare section of the magazine as gold is a rare and sought after the metal.

On this contents page the image that is related to the bottom right hand text on the page takes up a large section. The image is a also accompanied by a description of what the picture is about in the top left hand side of the actual image itself. There is also a smaller snippet of the story that is in the magazine directly underneath the image.
The numbers on both the magazines are a different colour compared to the text that they relate to this creates a clear distinction from the text. There is a picture of Beyonce at the top left hand of the page. That relates to the text underneath it. The picture is there at the top of the page at the start of the contents because it can be viewed as more important than the rest of the contents. This can also b
e viewed as a special section as the text underneath writes about the top fifty or so earners in the music industry.
In a summary both magazines have a very similar layout and I think that I will use this basic design as a template for my contents page. These conventions of the music magazine industry are almost universal. Such as the fact that the contents are always on the left and the image is on the right. The images are very large and take up most of the page. And the title is always at the top of the page to the left of the page.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Front page reasearch main task
Research for Music magazine.
Front Page
In the front cover of q magazine the title of the magazine is in the top left hand side of the page. This is consistent with other music magazines such as the NME special edition cover seen below q magazine.

In q magazine there is an advertisement at the bottom of the magazine at a slight upward slant to the rest of the page.
The pictures of the artists are both very large and take up most of the front page there is generally another picture on the front page but it is generally much smaller than the main feature picture.
The subtitles that are in both magazines are specifically written to attract an audience towards them. For example in NME there is statement from the artist Florence which reads, “I would never have got through the X Factor auditions” this an extremely strange statement to make as she is a successful artist and the X Factor is a competition that promotes good singers. This means that the audience is enticed to buy that magazine as it is an eye catching line to make.
In Q magazine there are many artists’ names in the sub-titles so an audience may like that sort of music or the music that they like and see it on the front cover. By having a broad range of artist published on the front of there magazine it will attract people to it.

The barcodes in both the magazines are both at a vertical angle to minimize the space that is taken up by them.
Also in a number of other magazine they have the words, “exclusive” and “special” these words create a response with an audience because it makes them think that the magazine that they are purchasing has something different and better than other magazines that are on sale. Also it attracts attention to a particular story often the story is something that the reader would not expect; it comes as a surprise to them.
The fonts that they use on the front page of the magazine are often in a completely and none related colour to the rest of the front page. This is done to make them stand out from the rest of the page and draw the audiences’ attention to them. Also the font style is very clear and they will often use they use the same font for the front page for nearly all texts. They do not change the font to much as it would crowd the page with a lot of items such as different fonts, colours, and pictures. It would make the magazine to difficult to read and no one would read it.
Generally in all magazine front covers the most important information is on the left hand side or right hand side of the page as this is how they are stacked on shelves in shops. It is on the left or right because the magazines are overlapped over each other and information be seen by the customers who will now be able to see what they want with the information on one side. Not in the middle of the page or at the bottom.
Generally in all magazine front covers the most important information is on the left hand side or right hand side of the page as this is how they are stacked on shelves in shops. It is on the left or right because the magazines are overlapped over each other and information be seen by the customers who will now be able to see what they want with the information on one side. Not in the middle of the page or at the bottom.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Reasearch for Music magazine 1
For my music magazine i did some reasearch about what people my age want in a magazine i asked 28 people to fill out a questionare and my results came out as most people wanted either Rap, Pop or Dance so for my magazine i will be putting in a mixture of all of these things.
Music Magazine Questionnaire
1. How much would you spend on a magazine?
£1-3 £3-5 £5- 7 £7+
2. What Music do you like?
Rock Pop Indie Rap R&B Gospel
Heavy Metal Electronic Dance Classical
Please state if other…………………………..
3. Who is your favourite artist?
4. How often do you buy a magazine?
Daily Weekly Monthly Annually Never
5. Would you be interested in a magazine featuring up and coming Artists?
Yes No
The above questionairre is what i handed out to the people involved in the survey. Below are the precise numbers and what they filled in on the survey.
Prlininary task contents page

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